
Dr Evangelia Tsoukana Psaltaki




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Dr. Evangelia Psaltaki graduated from the Medical School of Athens in 2003. She worked for two years as a rural doctor in the Rethymno region of Crete and then taught pathology for one year at a private nursing school in Heraklion, Crete. She completed her specialization in pediatrics at the University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete in 2013. Subsequently, she worked in the private sector, running a private pediatric practice in Attica until 2020. At the same time, she collaborated with major private pediatric clinics in Athens, initially at Metropolitan Hospital and then at the pediatric clinic of MITERA, the largest private pediatric hospital in Greece. She worked both in the Pediatric Clinic and in the Emergency Department. She has experience in both primary and tertiary pediatric care, with a special interest in Pediatric Developmental Medicine. Dr. Psaltaki is married, a mother of two teenagers, and has a passion for painting as a hobby. Since 2020, she has been a pediatrician at the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus.

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