As part of the continuous enhancement of the services it provides, the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus is pleased to introduce its newly established Volunteer Department.
Volunteering is a selfless act of giving that benefits not only the volunteer but also the community.
Promoting the strengthening of contribution to the social collective and the ongoing empowerment of social solidarity, the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus has created an engaging program for volunteers.
This program offers individuals who wish to contribute to society the opportunity to do so while gaining unique experiences and knowledge related to the healthcare sector.
The contribution through volunteering at the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus is of great importance, both for the patients and their families, and for the existing staff of the hospital.
Volunteerism is defined as the selfless provision of organized services to the community.
The primary reason someone becomes a volunteer is their love and passion for helping others.
The volunteer program at Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus is currently open to any legal citizen of the Republic of Cyprus over the age of 25, regardless of gender, marital or professional status, and educational level.
There are many opportunities to offer your services voluntarily to people who truly need them.
As a volunteer at the Mediterranean Hospital, you will have the opportunity to experience unique moments.
Beyond the charitable aspect of volunteering, by participating in the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus’s program, you will have the chance to:
- Learn about the functioning of healthcare services in Cyprus
- Receive training in First Aid
- Develop new skills
- Contribute to helping vulnerable individuals in your community
To apply for the opportunity to become a volunteer at the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus, you will need to complete the relevant application on the “Interest in Voluntary Work” page or send an email expressing your interest to hr@medihospital.com.cy.
Alternatively, you can send a letter by mail to the following address:
Volunteer Program
Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus
Stygos 9, 3117 Limassol
You may also visit the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus in person, learn about the program, and fill out an application form on-site.
Based on the policy followed by the Volunteer Department, each applicant will be invited by the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus to attend an introductory meeting with the program coordinator. These meetings are held once every quarter.
During the meeting, there will be further information provided about the hospital’s active programs, and an initial assessment of the volunteer will take place.
Due to the expected high response from citizens and the limited number of volunteers that the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus can accommodate during this period, after the meetings are concluded, a selection will be made from the applicants, and those selected will be informed promptly.
After your application is received by the Volunteer Department, the department coordinator will usually contact you within the next 10 working days to inform you about the upcoming scheduled meetings, which take place periodically every quarter. If no one from the Volunteer Department contacts you after two weeks, please reach out to the department’s secretary at 25200000.
At the end of the volunteer service at the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus, all volunteers will receive a certified volunteer certificate, which will include the duration of the service and a description of the volunteer services provided.