Υπηρεσίες & Τμήματα

Thrombolysis Unit

The Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus has recently completed the creation of a modern and comprehensive dissolution unit for injectable cytostatic drugs and biological cancer treatment agents, which require special handling conditions. In fact, the accreditation of the dissolution unit by an external organization categorizes it as a Category B unit in terms of the room’s cleanliness. This demonstrates that its design and operation are aligned with the best international quality standards. These quality standards include controlled pressure, humidity, temperature, and air exchange conditions, which ensure the maximum safety of the staff handling the injectable cancer drugs and the aseptic preparation of the final dissolution product.

The hospital’s dissolution unit is spatially organized into dressing rooms, a pharmacy, a preparation room, and a dissolution room. All areas are interconnected with a controlled door-opening system. They are designed in a way that ensures a safe working environment for both the staff handling the drugs and the patients receiving the final dissolution product, preventing microbial infections.

The operation of the dissolution unit at the hospital is based on strict procedures and protocols, followed meticulously by appropriately trained staff. Specifically, a “value chain” is created to ensure full control over the quality of the final product that will be administered to the patient. In the pharmacy area, where the required injectable cancer treatment drugs are stored, the hospital pharmacist checks the accuracy of the protocol and doses calculated for each patient by the treating physician. In the preparation room, pharmacy technicians, along with the supervising nurse, receive and inspect the tray with the drugs prepared by the pharmacist and then prepare the drugs and infusion solutions to be used for the dissolution. In the dissolution room, after checking the match between drugs and protocol, the dissolution and injection of the injectable cancer drugs are carried out in the appropriate parenteral solutions within a special cubicle, ensuring the protection of the product, the handler, and the environment. Finally, in the dressing rooms, the handwashing and the use of the appropriate protective equipment are conducted by the personnel staffing the unit.

Therefore, based on the strict quality standards and predefined procedures followed in the operation of the dissolution unit at the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus, the goal is to improve the quality of the healthcare services provided to the hospital’s patients and minimize the risk to staff exposure to cytostatic drugs, which are highly toxic and mutagenic.

For our hospital, it is an uncompromising condition that the optimal effectiveness of treatments administered to patients is combined with the maximum safety for the medical, pharmaceutical, nursing, and cleaning staff of the dissolution unit and the Oncology Department.

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Χώρος Στάθμευσης Ασθενών

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