Υπηρεσίες & Τμήματα

Interventional treatment of aortic stenosis – TAVI.

As a minimally invasive procedure for the treatment of aortic valve stenosis, the implantation of an aortic valve via catheter from the leg is performed. This method is called (TAVI) and is done with local anesthesia from the leg combined with sedation. It is a promising option for patients over 75 years of age. This interventional treatment involves the placement of a new heart valve using a catheter, without the need for open-heart surgery. TAVI offers many benefits, such as fewer complications, faster recovery, and less stress for the patient. The results are promising, and the risks are lower compared to traditional surgery, making it suitable for patients with other medical conditions. In our hospital, this treatment can be done with the placement of four different types of valves, so that the patient not only receives the valve via the leg but also the most suitable one for them. Additionally, at our center, a brain protection system is used during the placement of the aortic valve, reducing the risk to the minimum.

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Χώρος Στάθμευσης Ασθενών

Φροντίζουμε για τους ασθενείς του Mediterranean Hospital Of Cyprus

Όλοι οι ασθενείς που επιλέγουν το MediterraneanHospital, έχουν τη δυνατότητα να σταθμεύσουν δωρεάν στον ειδικά διαμορφωμένο χώρο στάθμευσης για ασθενείς που βρίσκεται ακριβώς απέναντι από το Κεντρικό κτίριο του Νοσοκομείου.

Εξασφαλίζουμε δωρεάν στάθμευση για ασθενείς που πρόκειται να νοσηλευθούν στο Νοσοκομείο μας αλλά και για ασθενείς που επισκέπτονται τα εξωτερικά μας ιατρεία.

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