The Sports Injury Department of our Hospital focuses on providing services related to the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of sports injuries. Emphasis is placed on individualized care, monitoring, and counseling throughout the athlete’s treatment.
The specific activities of the department include:
- Timely evaluation and accurate diagnosis of the injury. This is supported by the high-level Medical Imaging Department and the wide range of available medical specialties (which may assist) at the Mediterranean Hospital.
- Conservative therapeutic intervention, which includes all available modern injection techniques and injection therapy.
- Surgical treatment of sports injuries, with the application of all modern surgical techniques (including minimally invasive procedures and arthroscopy).
- Providing guidelines and protocols for athlete rehabilitation (conservative or post-surgery) and overseeing the process. In this context, special attention is given to collaborating with all professionals involved in the rehabilitation of each athlete (such as physiotherapists, rehabilitation trainers, and other relevant healthcare professionals), aiming at progress assessment, decision-making for return to full competitive activity, and providing preventive instructions.
Our goal is to leverage our long-standing experience in both conservative rehabilitation and surgical techniques, as well as the hospital’s state-of-the-art infrastructure, to ensure the Sports Injury Department becomes a model and a high-level center of comprehensive care for injured athletes.