General Practitioner (GP)

Dr Nina Zafeiridou




Contact Information


Dr. Nina Zafeiridou was born and raised in Georgia. She studied at the Medical School of Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) in Greece and graduated with a grade of “Very Good” after completing the required six years of study in 2004. She specialized in General Medicine at the University and State Clinics of the University General Hospital of Alexandroupolis, and she completed her mandatory ten-month service at the Health Centers of Soufli and Samothraki. She then worked for one year in the University Hematology Clinic of PGNA.

In 2017, she completed the Master’s Program (MSc) in Vascular Stroke at the Medical School of DUTH, earning a Master’s degree in the specialty. From 2021 to 2023, she pursued further training in Diabetes at PGNA. Until September 2023, she worked as a General Practitioner at the Health Center of Soufli, Evros, with responsibilities in clinical work and the provision of Primary Health Care (PHC) services aimed at the prevention and restoration of health issues that do not require hospitalization.

Since November 2023, she has been working at the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus in the Accident and Emergency Department.

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