Specialist in Internal Medicine

Dr Dimitrios Mpestitzanos




Contact Information


Dr. Dimitrios Mpestitzanos was born and raised in Agrinio, Aetolia-Acarnania. He graduated from the University of Patras and completed his rural service in Kalymnos. He specialized in Internal Medicine at the Polyclinic of Athens. He then pursued specialization in Intensive Care Medicine at the General State Hospital of Nikaia in Piraeus, where he obtained the relevant certificate. He earned a Master’s degree in Molecular and Applied Physiology from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA).

He worked as an attending physician in the Pathology Department at the T.O.M.Y. of Vyronas in Athens. He then worked for three years as an attending physician in the Emergency Department (E.D.) of the General Hospital of Agrinio. Since March 2024, he has been working at the Pathology Department of the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus.

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