Personal Doctor

Dr Athanasios Filandras




Contact Information


Dr. Athanasios Filandras was born and raised in Greece. He graduated from the Medical School of the University of Siena, Italy.
He specialized in General and Family Medicine at the “G. Gennimatas” Hospital in Athens.
In addition to his medical specialization, he has further trained in Pre-hospital and Hospital Emergency Medicine, General System Theory for individual and family therapy, and has specialized in Medical Acupuncture and Auricular Acupuncture.
He began his career as a military physician during his military service and subsequently served as a rural physician. After completing his specialization, he worked in both the private and public sectors. In the private sector, he is a medical examiner at the hospitals “Ygeia” and “E. Ntynan” in Athens and a Consultant Occupational Physician for companies in the Attica region. In the public sector, from 2004-2008, he served as Senior Physician at the Health Center of Istiaia, and from 2008-2019, he was Director of the Health Center of Goura, Corinth. From 2004-2019, he was a trainer for rural physicians, and from 2013-2019, he was the coordinator for the training of General Medicine residents at the General Hospital of Corinth. From 2011-2018, he was elected General Secretary of the Medical Association of Corinth, and from 2010-2019, he was a founding and elected member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic College of General Practitioners (E.K.O.G.E.N.I.A). In 2013, along with colleagues, he founded the volunteer organization of the Social Medical Center of Corinth, where he remained an active member until 2019. Dr. Filandras has numerous scientific publications in Greek and international medical journals as a member of the international research teams of the EUROSIDA and DAD studies, and he also participated in the translation team of the book “Secrets in General Practice.”
Since 2019, he has been working at the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus.
He speaks Greek, English, Italian, and French.

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