Trauma Center

The Trauma Center at Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus operates under the guidance of a multidisciplinary Trauma Team, available 24/7, offering expertise for the immediate management of patients with even the highest-risk injuries.

The Trauma Team at Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus is an interdisciplinary group of healthcare professionals led by a team leader, who collaborates to assess and treat critically injured individuals. The Trauma Team is notified in advance via modern technological systems and coordinates care even before the patient arrives at the Trauma Center.

This team is structured and organized according to international standards, comprising a General Surgeon, Anesthesiologist, Orthopedic Surgeon, Intensivist, and Radiologist. Together with experienced, trained, and specially selected nursing staff, they provide immediate and targeted care to polytrauma patients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Our state-of-the-art Trauma Center is equipped with a fully functional Trauma Room, which includes a multi-slice CT scanner, digital radiology equipment, and an ultrasound machine in the same space, ensuring precise and immediate care. The Trauma Room is designed to minimize unnecessary movements and reduce delays in imaging to the absolute minimum. It is important to note that directly adjacent to this room is a fully equipped Operating Room dedicated exclusively to polytrauma cases.

To ensure continuous patient care, our patients are accompanied by a healthcare professional throughout their stay, from admission until they are stabilized, maintaining coordination with all mobile units of the hospital and the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

In addition to the specialties involved in the Trauma Team, Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus is staffed with Thoracic Surgeons, Neurosurgeons, Vascular Surgeons, Interventional Radiologists, and a wide range of other medical specialists, contributing to even more comprehensive management of polytrauma patients.

Our goal is to provide complete and timely care to our patients, offering immediate trauma treatment for full recovery, reversibility of damage, and ultimately a second chance at life.

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Χώρος Στάθμευσης Ασθενών

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