With three state-of-the-art systems providing high-resolution images, examinations of the upper and lower abdominal organs, thyroid, superficial organs, scrotum, and Doppler of all the body’s vessels are conducted.
Upper Abdominal Ultrasound (ABDOMEN) This examination checks: the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, kidneys, spleen, abdominal aorta, para-aortic spaces, and the adrenal gland region. It helps investigate upper abdominal pain and is the examination of choice for detecting stones in the gallbladder and kidneys. Preparation for the examination is required, and instructions are provided by the department’s secretary.
Lower Abdominal Ultrasound (PELVIS) For women, this includes the uterus, ovaries, and urinary bladder. It is mainly used to investigate pelvic pain, metrorrhagia, and menstrual cycle disturbances. For men, the examination covers the bladder, prostate, and seminal vesicles, as well as checking for residual urine after urination. It focuses on prostate studies, especially benign prostatic hyperplasia. Additionally, studying the bladder helps in investigating hematuria. Preparation for the examination is required, and instructions are provided by the department’s secretary. Upper and Lower Abdominal Ultrasound is now part of the annual preventive check-up.
Transrectal Prostate Ultrasound (TRANSRECTAL US) This is the examination of choice for studying the prostate gland, mainly aiming to highlight malignancies or inflammation of the gland.
Thyroid Ultrasound (THYROID) This examination is used to study the thyroid gland, detect and evaluate thyroid nodules (morphology, size change, and characteristics). It is also used for guided biopsy in suspicious nodules.
Neck Ultrasound (HEAD AND NECK) Includes studying the salivary glands (parotid and submandibular glands), checking for enlarged cervical lymph nodes, and investigating palpable masses in the soft tissues of the region.
Scrotum Ultrasound (SCROTUM) This concerns studying the testes and epididymis. It is used for investigating a palpable mass in the testicle, inflammation, and diagnosing varicocele or hydrocele.
Soft Tissue Ultrasound (SOFT TISSUE) Mainly used for investigating palpable masses in any part of the body (lipomas, sebaceous cysts). It is also used in hernia diagnosis, accurately revealing defects in the abdominal wall.
Color Doppler Ultrasound of Vessels (Color Doppler of Vessels) With this examination, we can check the carotid and vertebral arteries of the neck, abdominal aorta, iliac arteries and veins, as well as the arteries and veins of the upper and lower limbs. It is used to examine visceral vessels (renal arteries, portal vein, and mesenteric tripod). The color Doppler can accurately determine the degree of stenosis and the presence of an aneurysm in an artery. It is the examination of choice for diagnosing deep vein thrombosis, superficial vein thrombosis, and monitoring venous insufficiency.