Υπηρεσίες & Τμήματα

Colorectal Surgery

Colorectal surgery is a recognized subspecialty of general surgery that focuses on a wide range of conditions affecting the colon, rectum, and anus. These conditions are prevalent in a significant portion of the general population and often require a multidisciplinary approach for their management, involving specialists such as gastroenterologists and oncologists. The diseases in this area are categorized into two major groups: benign and malignant conditions.

Benign conditions include:

  • Idiopathic inflammatory bowel diseases (Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease)
  • Diverticular disease of the colon
  • Colonic volvulus
  • Chronic functional disorders of the colon (chronic constipation)
  • Rectal prolapse
  • Hemorrhoidal disease
  • Anal fissures
  • Perianal abscesses and fistulas
  • Anal warts
  • Skin tags
  • Radiation-induced proctitis
  • Stoma-related issues

Malignant conditions include:

  • Colorectal cancer
  • Rectal cancer
  • Anal cancer

At Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus, all oncology cases are handled holistically through an oncology board consisting of all relevant medical specialties (oncologists, gastroenterologists, radiologists, pathologists, surgeons) based on international standards.

In the surgical department of Mediterranean Hospital, the treatment of colorectal cancer has been increasingly carried out using minimally invasive techniques (laparoscopic, endoscopic surgery) by experienced and specialized colorectal surgeons. The hospital is considered a high-volume center for treating colorectal surgical pathologies.

Another significant aspect is the hospital’s ability to provide top-tier technical support, including modern surgical tools, as well as diagnostic imaging services with advanced CT and MRI machines. It also offers excellent medical and nursing care with intensive care unit (ICU) beds and a well-trained and scientifically skilled team of professionals.

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Χώρος Στάθμευσης Ασθενών

Φροντίζουμε για τους ασθενείς του Mediterranean Hospital Of Cyprus

Όλοι οι ασθενείς που επιλέγουν το MediterraneanHospital, έχουν τη δυνατότητα να σταθμεύσουν δωρεάν στον ειδικά διαμορφωμένο χώρο στάθμευσης για ασθενείς που βρίσκεται ακριβώς απέναντι από το Κεντρικό κτίριο του Νοσοκομείου.

Εξασφαλίζουμε δωρεάν στάθμευση για ασθενείς που πρόκειται να νοσηλευθούν στο Νοσοκομείο μας αλλά και για ασθενείς που επισκέπτονται τα εξωτερικά μας ιατρεία.

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