
Dr Ourania Leloudi




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Dr. Ourania Leloudi, a radiologist, graduated from the Thracian University – Medical School, Hippocratio General Hospital in Thessaloniki. She specialized in breast diseases.

She worked at the Hippocratio General Hospital of Thessaloniki (2011-2016) and at DIAGNOSIS NETWORK (2009-2010). From 2011 to 2015, she worked as a collaborator at the second Pathological Clinic of Hippocratio General Hospital, performing liver biopsies. She also participated in a dissertation on children with Mediterranean anemia, performing triplex of renal vessels (2013-2015). She worked at the Theagenio Cancer Hospital in Thessaloniki in the Breast Department (2015-2016). Since 2013, she has been a doctor at the “OPEN ARMS” of the “Friends of Social Pediatrics.” Since 2004, she has participated in and attended radiological conferences in Greece and Europe. She was a member of the Greek Radiological Society and a member of the Greek Radiological Society of Breast Imaging. From 2015 to 2021, she worked as a collaborator radiologist in a private Breast Diagnosis laboratory.

Since September 2023, she has been working in the Breast Ultrasound and Mammography department of the Radiology Department at the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus.

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