Vascular Surgeon

Dr Nektarios Papas




Contact Information


Dr. Nektarios Papas is a Vascular Surgeon and a graduate of the Medical School of the University of Patras, Greece, with honors (“Very Good”).

Following a three-month training period at the General Hospital of Corfu, he completed his rural medical service as a General Practitioner at the Magoulades Regional Health Center, under the Agios Athanasios – Agros Health Center on the island of Corfu.

He then served as a General Surgery Resident for three years, a prerequisite for obtaining his specialization in Vascular Surgery, at the Surgical Department of the University General Hospital of Ioannina, Greece. He continued for two additional years at the same hospital as a Clinical and Research Fellow in the Vascular Surgery Unit under the supervision of Professor Miltiadis Matsagas. During this time, he completed his doctoral thesis, titled “A Prospective Study on Post-implantation Syndrome After Endovascular Aneurysm Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms”, receiving a grade of “Excellent” in 2016.

Subsequently, Dr. Papas served for 18 months as a Vascular Surgery Resident in the Vascular Surgery Unit of the Surgical Department at Laiko General Hospital in Athens. He completed his final year of vascular surgery specialization at the Vascular Surgery Department of Konstantopouleio – Patision General Hospital in Athens, where he continued working as an attending vascular surgeon until 2023.

Since then, Dr. Papas has been practicing at the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus, performing a broad range of vascular surgery procedures and contributing to the healthcare sector.

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