General Surgeon

Dr Michalis Kakas




Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας:


Dr. Michalis Kakas is the Director of General Surgery at the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus. He has extensive experience, having worked as the Director of General Surgery at various hospitals, including NHS UK Hospitals – NAM III and the General Hospital of Limassol – Pediatric Surgery Department. He has successfully completed educational seminars such as ALS, APLS, CCrISP, ATLS, PHTLS, DSTC, and has previously served as an ATLS and PHTLS instructor.

Dr. Michalis Kakas is also a former member of the Court of the Board of Examiners at the Royal College of Surgeons in England and served as an Honorary Professor and Professor at St. George’s University, Nicosia.

He is particularly recognized for his contribution to trauma care in Cyprus, as well as for his participation in numerous humanitarian missions with Doctors of the World in Nagorno-Karabakh and Bosnia.

Dr. Michalis Kakas is an Internal Exclusive Collaborating Physician at the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus and the Scientific Director of the Hospital’s Surgical Clinic.

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