
Dr Ioannis Hastas




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Dr. Ioannis Hastas completed his secondary education with honors and was admitted to the Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. After graduating from the Medical School, he completed his military service and rural service as a Rural Doctor. He specialized in Pediatrics at the University Hospital of Heraklion, and later specialized in Neonatology, obtaining the relevant title after exams, at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the University Hospital of Ioannina.

Subsequently, he worked as a private pediatrician and as an associate at the Pediatric Department of Kozani Hospital. Since 2021, he has been working at the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus as a Pediatrician – Neonatologist, as well as a Personal Pediatrician under the framework of the General Health System (GESY). He handles the full range of pediatric conditions, with special expertise in high-risk deliveries, monitoring premature infants, and issues related to the early infancy period.

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