
Dr Fotini Alourda




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Dr. Fotini Alourda graduated from the Athens School of Medicine. She received training in various hospitals in Athens and at the General Hospital of Rhodes. As part of completing her specialty in Neurology, she worked in Pathology at the University Pathology Clinic of the General Hospital of Athens “Hippocrate” and in Psychiatry at the University Clinic of the Aeginition Hospital. She was also trained at the Neurophysiology Laboratory of the 251 Air Force General Hospital. During her specialty training, she had the opportunity to teach neurology to medical students at the University of Athens.

In 2022, she completed her postgraduate studies at the European University of Cyprus in the Master’s program in ‘Public Health.’ She has also served as a rural service doctor at the Health Center of Megalopolis (Hellenic Medical Office) in Arcadia.

She actively participates in conferences in Cyprus, Greece, and abroad. She speaks Greek, English, and German. Since the fall of 2023, she has been working as a specialist neurologist at the Mediterranean Hospital.

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