Anesthesiologist for Adults & Children

Dr Eleni Kleanthous




Contact Information


Dr. Eleni Kleanthous was born in Limassol in 1989 and graduated from Laniteio Lyceum A’. She then enrolled in the Medical School of the University of Crete, earning her degree in 2013. After successfully passing the Cypriot specialty admission exams, she trained at the Nicosia General Hospital.

She worked as an anesthesiologist at NAM III, with a special interest in pediatric anesthesia and obstetric anesthesia, focusing on administering anesthesia to neonates and children for surgical procedures (such as pediatric surgery and pediatric orthopedics). Additionally, she provided sedation for children undergoing diagnostic or imaging examinations (MRI, CT, etc.).

Since March 2022, Dr. Kleanthous has been an Associate Physician at the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus.

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Χώρος Στάθμευσης Ασθενών

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