
Dr. Avraam Avraam




Contact Information


Dr. Avraam Avraam graduated from the Dental School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2020. During his studies, he participated in the annual Congress of the Northern Greece Stomatological Society (S.E.B.E), where he presented a scientific paper titled “Medical Contraindications of Implants.” At the same time, he completed an internship through NSRF in an Orthodontic Clinic. After completing his studies, he obtained a certificate in aesthetic dental restoration with all-ceramic inlays and onlays through digital impression technology. He then completed a training seminar in Endodontics with the latest techniques at the “Merimna Institute.” In January 2024, he successfully obtained a diploma from the Postgraduate Implantology Program, lasting one year, from New York University (NYU College of Dentistry), in collaboration with the “Merimna Institute.”

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