Dr. Athos Nikolaou graduated from Saint Antonios High School in Limassol with an overall grade of 20.0 and ranked 1st (first) in the entrance exams to the Medical School of the University of Athens, earning a scholarship. During his studies, he served as an assistant in the education of students in the subject of Anatomy. Before completing his medical degree, he attended a two-month undergraduate training program in Vascular Surgery at the 2nd University Pre-Clinical Surgical Department of the University of Athens with a scholarship from the EU.
After obtaining his medical degree, he continued his education as a salaried resident at the NIMTS Hospital in Athens in the Anesthesiology Department and the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), participating in the ICU on-call program, the surgical program, and in the transfer of severe cases to other hospitals. He then specialized in the 2nd University Pediatric Clinic of the University of Athens at the Children’s Hospital, where he obtained his Pediatric specialization. There, he participated in the training program for both students and residents, in case presentations, the on-call program, regular outpatient clinics, emergency outpatient clinics, the Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, the Pediatric Cardiology Clinic, the monitoring of hospitalized children with a wide variety of medical issues (pediatric gastroenterological, pediatric neurology, pediatric endocrinology, first diagnosis of diabetes, severe infections, etc.), as well as the scientific work of the Clinic.