Coordinator of the Accident & Emergency Department, General Surgeon

Dr Athanasios Papandreou




Contact Information


Dr. Athanasios Papandreou was born and raised in Kallithea, Attica. He completed his medical degree at the Medical School of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. He served his military duty in the Hellenic Navy and subsequently completed his rural medical service in Santorini.

He specialized in General Surgery at the University General Hospital of Patras, “Panagia i Voitheia.” During his training, he was awarded two consecutive years by “Alma Zois” for his social contribution to the campaign for breast cancer prevention.

After completing his specialization, he worked at the Metropolitan Hospital of Athens while also maintaining a private practice. He later worked as an external associate at the General Hospital of Santorini.

Since 2020, he has been serving as a General Surgeon and the Director of the Emergency Department at the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus.

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Χώρος Στάθμευσης Ασθενών

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