Επιστημονικά Άρθρα

De Quervain’s Tendinitis

Dr Koumbanis Symeon, Orthopedic Surgeon, Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus, MHOC

De Quervain’s tendinitis is a condition caused by the entrapment of the tendons of the abductor pollicis longus and the extensor pollicis brevis under the dorsal ligament of the wrist at the styloid process of the radius bone. The inflammatory swelling of the tendons or the thickening of their sheaths leads to pain and dysfunction in the movement of the thumb and, more generally, the wrist.



The main cause of the condition is microtrauma and overuse of the wrist joint in radial deviation and the thumb in extension. It occurs in mothers who lift and hold their babies, or in individuals who, due to their work, strain the wrist and thumb joint (e.g., manual workers, musicians, etc.).



The diagnosis of the condition is made through a thorough medical history and clinical examination. Pain at the styloid process of the wrist during specific movements, as well as sometimes palpating a hard, bone-like formation in the area, are indicative of the condition. In some cases, radiological examination is necessary for differential diagnosis or, in case of doubt, an MRI may be performed to establish the diagnosis.


In mild forms of the disease, a special splint is applied to immobilize the wrist and thumb, along with oral anti-inflammatory medications. In more severe cases, a local injection of corticosteroids may be administered alongside immobilization. If conservative treatment fails, surgical intervention is considered, where, under local anesthesia, the canal is opened and the tendons are released. Full recovery is typically achieved within the first 24 hours after the procedure.


Contact phone number: 25 200146
Email: info@medihospital.com.cy

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